Shewy & Ian's English Life




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About Glastonbury

Glastonbury, Ynys Witrin, the 'ancient Isle of Avalon', is a fascinating small town in SW England. It is a sacred and pilgrimage place dating back to megalithic times, once the site of a Druid college and perpetual choir two millennia ago, and reputed to have been visited by Jesus when a young man. In medieval times it was one of Europe's greatest monastic centres, 'England's Holyest Earthe', and a last vestige of the Ancient British (Celtic) church, possessing an enormous library and attracting many of the freethinkers of the day - including natural philosophers, Templars, mendicant Arabs, celtic saints and assorted religious refugees (such as Waldensians and Cathars).

St John's Church

Throughout the 20th Century it has been home to newer freethinkers, psychics, healers, authors, and all manner of unconventional people. One of the great advantages of holding a crop circle symposium here is that the earth energy is strong and the momentum created by Glastonbury's heritage can somehow make a crazy interest such as crop circles seem perfectly normal.

Chalice Well

If you haven't been before, it's worth investing a full day in sampling Glastonbury when you come to the Symposium. The notable spots are the Abbey, the Chalice Well and the Tor, yet the nooks and crannies, cafes, shops, people and situations arising here make for a rich and refreshing experience. It's not just a matter of looking around, it's also a matter of listening within.

This is not a large town - you can walk around it - and its very attraction is that it's not like other places.

Glastonbury High Street

Most available accommodation is in B+Bs, with a few small hotels and a camping site. There are plenty of cafes, but don't try to find one between 4-7pm. It's the sort of place you mosey around without making plans. As much happens in your sleep as when awake.

Glastonbury Town Hall


The Symposium is now in the Town Hall, a larger venue than the Assembly Rooms. A cafe and a traders' room will be there, and if you wander out of the door you're within but a few paces of many cafes, the Abbey and Glastonbury's colourful hubbub.